Many places in Britain have their traditional dishes,East Midlands have pork pies, London have jellied eels, Glasgow have battered mars bars, Yorkshire have the yorkshire pudding but Lancashire boasts, tripe, Eccles cakes, meat pies and Bury black puddings.
So this weekend we joined the conpetitors young and old from around the world, and the supporters for the annual black pudding throwing championships which takes place in Ramsbottom on the second Sunday of september each year.

As part of the tournament the the "Golden Grid" is transported from Bury town centre by steam train and once at Ramsbottom Station,
is carried up to Bridge Street to the skirl of
Scottish bagpipes, to be laid in the road next to the wall which the Yorkshire puddings are mounted from a wooden platform 20 feet up.

So with one foot on the golden grid you throw a 6oz Black pudding underarm that is, and with 3 attemps to dislodge as many yorkshire puddings you can.

To claim the World Championship Crown which went to a guy called Adam who managed to knock 5 down.

This tradition has been going for 150 years and it’s thought that contest is a revival of clashes between people of Lancashire and people from Yorkshire, during which Lancastrians hurled black pudding at the counterparts from Yorkshire pudding county.

And just for anyone still in the dark, Black pudding is a Bury delicacy and a type of sausage consisting of congealed pigs blood, fat and rusk, encased in a length of intestine, hmm, Yummy!

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  1. Maureen says:

    Nice Space and write up. x

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